As the youngest of twelve children, Max Blagg was the only child with the inclination to read books. 440 Gallery is taking advantage of that and is thrilled to present this evening with Max Blagg. Highly respected as a poet, writer and performer on the New York literary scene, Blagg has appeared at numerous clubs and venues including The Kitchen, Guggenheim Museum, Parrish Museum, Jackie 60, St Marks Church, The National Arts Club, Bowery Poetry Club, CBGB’s and The Gershwin Hotel to name a few. A frequent contributor to Bomb, Interview, Aperture, Village Voice, Blagg co-edited Bald Ego, the short-lived but groundbreaking magazine of art and literature. Blagg has collaborated with many artists to create text and poetry, including James Nares, Alex Katz, Jack Pierson, Richard Prince, Donald Sultan, Billy Sullivan, Keith Sonnier, Joe Fyfe, Jerelyn Hanrahan and Nicholas Rule.